The Brutally Honest Dog Podcast is now LIVE!
I'm so excited to get back to podcasting and all that - I've already got some super exciting plans for guests and what not, so go check it out! Spotify Apple Podcasts
I've recently begun really thinking about developing a framework that covers the main things that I think contribute towards behavioural issues, and I'm very excited to announce The 6 Levels of "Buffing" Behaviour.
Before I go into what these 6 levels are though, I think it's important for me to note that the term buffing is a gaming term and is normally used to describe something that gets better e.g. "That character got a huge buff - their skills are so much better now" I think you get the message. So these 6 levels are as follows (in no particular order): Health Nutrition Enrichment Relationship Regulation Reinforcement And I think these are the six things that should ALWAYS be considered when working with a behavioural case. I'll be touching more on these in an upcoming podcast episode... Oooh did I just drop a teaser? I think I did so for now you'll just have to wait to hear more! Despite it being over 3 weeks into the New Year, I finally feel like I'm bouncing back after the Christmas break, getting ill and then my almost-week-long birthday.
I've definitely been feeling a bit "off" recently and like I wasn't on the ball, but after a great day of in-person sessions today, I feel like I'm well and truly back on it. I also had a real nice moment in my own little head earlier while I was observing a client and her dog work together on some loose lead stuff... honestly it just felt like the love for what I do just hit me like a tonne of bricks. Don't get me wrong, I do love what I do. But I've found myself in a bit of a mental and maybe actual rut lately in terms of my work. I was feeling demotivated and deflated tbh. But the moment I had today (the one that I literally just mentioned) honestly felt like a good slap in the face. Do you know what I mean? Hopefully you do. Whilst I was watching this dog and his owner, I was thinking: YEAH THESE TWO ARE FIGURING IT OUT TOGETHER - THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT. Which is what it should be about, right? Truth be told, I think the pressure of progress has been getting to me a bit and I've been neglecting some CORE principles of dog training in order to speed things up and you know what? It can actually just take MORE time and certainly create more frustration if you rush... ESPECIALLY when it comes to behaviour change. I should know better than anyone that change takes time, yet I forget that very same thing when I'm feeling under pressure. But in reality... nothing good rarely comes quickly. PS If you wanna see some clips from the training session I am talking about in this post, then make sure you keep an eye out for Ruger (@rhodesianridgeback.ruger) on my Instagram @itscethedogtrainer ! FREE Webinar! "Fetch: The Good, The Bad & The Downright Ugly" REGISTRY OPEN!!I am SO excited to finally bring you guys my first PROPER webinar! I've been meaning to do a webinar for a loooooong time now, but I didn't have anything HIT ME in the sense of "YES. I WANT TO TALK ABOUT THAT." until now... Continually throwing a ball for a dog is SO bad for their bodies, but also for their minds... The "ball obsessed" dog is not one to be proud of. A "ball obsessed" dog is not too dissimilar from a drug addict needing their chosen drug of choice. Thus, I bring you "Fetch: The Good, The Bad & The Downright Ugly!"
In this webinar, I will be talking about why fetch can be bad for your dog AND I may even be dropping an exclusive webinar-only teaser on something SUPER exciting coming up related to this very same issue. There will also be a 30-min Q&A at the end of the webinar for you to ask any burning questions! Did I hear you wanted to control AND harness your dog's ball-obsession? Oops. Have I said too much? Guess you'll just have to join the webinar and find out! For those of you who cannot make the LIVE date, the webinar will be available to watch in the "Basic Lobby" so don't fret! See you there! In an attempt to both improve my reach and bring you more dog training advice, tips and tricks - Welcome to the Brutally Honest Dog Blog!
Some of you may already know that I did have a podcast called the "Brutally Honest Dog Training Podcast" and yes I do plan to bring that back, but one step at a time... Either way, I am quite excited at the prospect of having a blog running alongside all the other things I'm doing (and planning to do!) To check out all the other things I'm doing... at least the ones that are live... click on the links below! |
AuthorThe "Brutally Honest Dog Blog" run by Cecilia Erhabor @itscethedogtrainer ! ArchivesCategories